The PlanetCare team has started to search for a solution to prevent (or minimize) the number of microplastics we release into rivers, lakes, and oceans through wastewaters when doing our laundry.
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Read MoreThis year’s WRF took place in Geneva on October 24-25h 2017, attracting 450 participants from 50 countries.
Read MoreAs part of the World Resources Forum 2017, held in Geneva on October 24-25, Ladeja Godina Košir moderated the workshop, titled Digital Sustainability: In need for a disruptive Research Agenda.
Read MoreDirektorica in pobudnica platforme za krožno gospodarstvo Circular Change, mag. Ladeja Godina Košir, je bila v močni globalni konkurenci izbrana kot ena izmed 6 finalistov za nagrado The Circulars 2018 v kategoriji »Circular Economy Leadership«, namenjeni izjemnim posameznikom.
Read MoreWe are happy and honoured to announce that Director and Founder of Circular Change, Ladeja Godina Košir, is one of the 6 Finalists in the Leadership category for the 2018 The Circulars Award, organized by the World Economic Forum, Forum of Young Global Leaders in collaboration with Accenture Strategy.
Read MoreLast week Ljubljana hosted the conference called Eurocities 2017. We are proud we were a partner of the conference and we presented our platform with a simple stand, which was visited by the mayor of Ljubljana, Zoran Jankovič and by dr. Janez Potočnik.
Read MoreCircular Change’s mission has always been to transcend borders and advocate for a circular economy the European level. We are now one-step closer to our goal.
Read MoreLadeja Godina Košir, Founder and Leader of Circular Change, set to moderate two Sessions: Best Practices in the Value Chain and Various support mechanisms for the Driving Towards Circularity.
Read MoreOn Tuesday, 24 October, we will open a challenging discussion on ICT applications in the context of a shift towards more sustainable, circular economy.
Read MoreNiko Korpar, a Marketing Manager at Circular Change is happy to share his mind on how to develop circular cities of the future without forgetting the younger generation. Join him in Circular café on Thursday, 16 November 2017.
Read MorePosvet je organiziralo Partnerstvo za zeleno gospodarstvo Slovenije, ki deluje pod okriljem Kabineta predsednika Vlade RS, v sodelovanju z Regionalno razvojno agencijo Zeleni kras, Podjetniškim inkubatorjem Perspektiva in Območno gospodarsko zbornico Postojna ter konzorcijem izvajalcev projekta Kažipot prehoda v krožno gospodarstvo Slovenije, ki ga povezuje platforma Circular Change.
Read MoreGorenjska je skupaj z osrednjeslovensko regijo najbolj razvit del države po veliki večini kazalcev socialne in materialne blaginje.
Read MoreCircular Change became a member and partner of the London-based Circular Economy Club (CEC), an international network of over 2,600 circular economy professionals and organizations in over 60 countries.
Read MoreV savinski regiji se priložnosti za razvoj krožnega gospodarstva raznolike; nahajajo se tako pri večjih industrijskih podjetjih, kot je npr. Gorenje, kjer nastajajo odpadni materiali, pri obdelavi komunalnih odpadkih, ki jih je glede na slovensko povprečje nadpovprečno veliko, pri trajnostni rabi gozdov ter turizmu, še posebej zdraviliškemu.
Read MoreZafirmana uniformiranost, unikatno šivanje, stare zaloge blaga, druga roka, industrijski odpadki, reciklaža.
Read MorePoslovni model krožnega gospodarstva.
Read MoreThis event will be organised during the World Resources Forum on Tuesday 24th October 2017 in Geneva. We are proud that next to dr. Janez Potočnik, one of plenary speakers of WRF, Ladeja Godina Košir will participate in the workshop coorganised by Innaxis, Texwlia and Circular Change.
Read MoreV Posavski regiji so razviti tako kmetijstvo in turizem, kot tudi industrija, zato so možnosti za povezovanje proizvodnih in storitvenih kapacitet v zaprte kroge velike, prav tako možnosti za sonaraven razvoj življenjskega in naravnega okolja.
Read MorePrimorsko-notranjska regija spada med manj razvite slovenske statistične regije, vendar pa se v njej skrivajo mnogi naravni zakladi ter viri, ki omogočajo tako razvoj energetike, kot tudi proizvodnih in kreativnih krožnih praks.
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