For the Circular Change platform, partnering with EUROCITIES is a natural choice.
Read MoreAlmost 5 000 regional and urban practitioners and experts have registered for the year’s biggest EU regional and urban policy event.
Read MoreUdeleženci iz Adriatic regije in Rusije so predstavili projekte krožnega gospodarstva in izoblikovali 5 konkretnih krožnih pobud, ki naj se na ravni mest uresničijo v naslednjem letu.
Read MoreV idiličnem Drava centru je prvi jesenski Klub OVEN v novi sezoni predstavil primere dobrih praks v krožnem gospodarstvu, ob tem pa povabil sogovorce, ki se v omenjeno temo aktivno vključujejo.
Read MoreAim of the forum is to CO-CREATE 5 definite circular economy activities that we can implement in 1 year.
Read MoreCircular Change is a regional partner of The Circulars 2018 and we have been working hard to establish a movement that features both public and private organizations, from ministries to start-ups!
Read MoreLjudje želijo živeti v mestih, ki so čista, urejena, prebivalcem in naravi prijazna, demokratično in učinkovito upravljana, ob optimalnih možnostih za izobraževanje, ustvarjanje, mobilnost in zaposlitev.
Read MoreOur first goal is still to make sure that outstanding Slovenian circular companies are represented at the award ceremony in Davos, but this year, we also want to encourage inspiring circular initiatives from Central and South-eastern Europe to apply for the award.
Read MoreThe awards are designed to recognize and celebrate, on a prestigious global stage, all facets of the circular economy movement.
Read MoreThe company from Nederweert managed to successfully upcycle materials from car tires into environmentally friendly carbon black that can be used for various purposes, such as car and bike tires, handlebars, wheelchairs, etc.
Read MoreSmart management of water resources is a key part of the circular economy of the future.
Read MorePri udejanjanju koncepta krožnega gospodarstva človeštvo čakajo številni izzivi – začenši pri spremembi miselnosti, veliko pa bo treba narediti tudi pri ekonomiki njegovega delovanja.
Read MoreLetošnja Komunaliada je bila posebna po tem, da so bili na enem mestu zbrani predstavniki države, lokalne skupnosti in komunalnih podjetij, zato je bila priložnost za izmenjavo mnenj, težav in praks na skupnih področjih.
Read MorePotočnik je kot evropski komisar osnoval prvi sveženj ukrepov za spodbujanje prehoda v krožno gospdoarstvo, ki so ga že tedaj začele izvajati najbolj napredne članice EU.
Read MorePotočnik called for more decisive leadership that has to put the transition towards the circular economy in action at the systemic level.
Read MoreConference focused on discussion of the implementation of the EU Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) and launching a European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform.
Read MoreThe yearbook showcases the leading circular economy individuals and organisations from the 2017 awards program, sharing short summaries of the best entries to celebrate their success.
Read MoreA unique two-day journey through learning experiences and insights into the transformational challenges across different industries, arising from the transition to the Circular Economy.
Read MoreNaslednji izziv: umestiti Slovenijo med krožne voditeljice v svetu.
Read MoreOdločilna je sposobnost sodelovanja in inovacijska naravnanost.
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