Project IMPACT


Title: ERASMUS+ Project IMPACT

Duration: Jan 2021 - ongoing


The IMPACT determined goal is building value based innovation for sustainable business impact, training and teaching.

It unites innovation scholars and practitioners to improve the teaching and coaching of sustainability-oriented innovation and entrepreneurship in higher education institutions around Europe. More precisely, it will deliver better teaching materials, educational methods, as well as best practices for use by educators, coaches and facilitators.

The main project outputs are:

  •  Cases of good practices

  •  Facilitation methods: “Sustainable Innovation Practices Toolkit”

  •  Methods for teaching and coaching sustainability-oriented innovation and entrepreneurship

On the project Circular Change is collaborating with academic and industrial partners from 7 different countries across Europe: HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, HMKW Hochschule für Medien, Kommunikation und Wirtschaft, Foundation for Research and Innovation, Politechnika Krakowska, 3M, Tüvnord, SP Cleantech Cluster Cracow, Baker Hughes, Innofora, Creative Labs, ISPIM - International Society for Professional Innovation Management, ASIIN e.V., Università degli Studi di Firenze.