Innovation, collaboration and happy society in healthy environment are challenges that are going to be addressed at the International Expertise Meeting TIM.
Read MorePostanite strokovnjak s področja menedžmenta pametnih mest z vpisom na magistrski študijski program Menedžment pametnih mest na Fakulteti DOBA.
Read MoreOnce again, we are inviting all companies, big and small, organisations, public institutions and individuals who dare to dream bigger and better for a more sustainable future to submit their entry to the world’s premier global circular economy award program The Circulars 2019.
Read MoreOn the 30th of August 2018 the Circular Change held an annual Council meeting with its members.
Read MoreCircular Change has been facilitating Slovenia to get identified as a circular economy hub of the future and therefore earlier this year Slovenia was invited to participate in the PACE program.
Read MoreWhat do toothbrushes, PU foam cans and old beverage cartons have in common? They are three out of the nine best practice examples of the circular economy presented by the European project MOVECO.
Read MoreInternationally recognised leader in disruptive design, Dr Acaroglu, will explore key aspects of design and a circular economy.
Read MoreTo receive the gold certificate, the second-highest certificate, the product had to meet a plethora of criteria within five overarching categories.
Read MoreTo receive the gold certificate, the second-highest certificate, the product had to meet a plethora of criteria within five overarching categories.
Read MoreCircular Change, represented by Ladeja Godina Košir, took part in all activities, as well as, a panel that included multiple circular economy experts.
Read MoreFrom June 6-7, 2018, the partners of the EFFECTIVE project gathered in Ljubljana, Slovenia where they had a constructive first meeting and inspiring project launch.
Read MoreFrom the 10-13 of October 2018, a small number of outstanding professionals will gather along the beautiful Croatian coast in Trogir to gain insight about emerging global trends, disruptive circular business models, and mindful leadership needed to lead the circular transition.
Read MoreSlovene Dutch Business Platform is kindly inviting you to join them at the panel discussion on Friday, 25th January 2019, at 9:00, in the hall of the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia, Šubičeva street 4, Ljubljana.
Read MoreThe content of the lecture will cover the circular economy as a concept and means to a systemic transformation and will be focused on “circular culture” – our “favorite” part of the Circular Triangle, which we introduced in the Roadmap towards the Circular Economy in Slovenia.
Read MoreCC’s Director Ladeja was invited to join the panel of judges who will select the winner of the international contest co-organised by ICLEI, Ville de Montréal and MIT’s Climate CoLab.
Read MoreDaniel summarized his thoughts on the conference, the development of the circular economy in Slovenia and what still needs to be done for the circular economy to become mainstream.
Read MoreSome photos from the 2nd day of the 3rd Circular Change Conference.
Read More“What we need now is a balanced governance framework that provides the right incentives for solutions in the marketplace.”
Read MoreFeel the spirit - take a look at the photo gallery.
Read MoreV okviru 12 regionalnih posvetov po Sloveniji, ki so bili namenjeni prepoznavanju in vrednotenju potencialov vsake od regij, tako v okviru naravnih danosti kot gospodarskih dejavnosti, znanja in dobrih praks, so se izoblikovala štiri prednostna področja krožnega prehoda Slovenije.
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