Is the EU Circular Economy Packaged being well accepted and implemented?; What are the incentives and voluntary commitments being discussed to encourage the transition?; Any existing barriers?; How to increase global action?
Read MoreCircular Change director Ladeja has been invited to the congress to give a keynote speech in a high-level session for mayors from ICLEI’s network and several renowned CE experts.
Read MoreRepresentatives of six European countries were invited to Madrid on March 21st 2018 to present how their countries are preparing themselves to make the transition from linear to circular economies.
Read MoreThe primary objective of the regional policy dialogue was to discuss policies that would facilitate smooth and successful transition of SMEs towards greener economy.
Read MoreThe new Circular Economy Monitoring Framework by the European Commission may have the highest potential to become a standard for monitoring the circular transition on the national levels, as all Member States will be obliged to begin gathering the data once the Framework is adopted.
Read MorePolitika podjetja OVEN je ozavestiti širšo javnost o okoljski problematiki, s katero se sooča današnja družba. Hkrati pa pokazati možnosti oziroma rešitve povezane z obnovljivimi viri, reciklažo, e-mobilnostjo, pametnimi domovi.
Read MoreFloios jewelry pieces are minimalistic unaltered forms of nature, its shape forever captured in a shell of silver, recovered from electronic waste.
Read MoreThe session was part of the global mapping event, taking place in more than 65 cities worldwide, organised by the London-based circular economy platform The Circular Economy Club.
Read MoreThe first Austrian CE platform is launching on March 21, 2018, in Vienna with a conference titled “Austria on the way to a circular economy: opportunities, challenges, strategies, and actors”.
Read MoreThe Circulars Award Ceremony in Davos and nomination of Ladeja Godina Košir among six finalists in the category “Circular Leadership”, attract some attention also in Slovenian media.
Read More100 invited guests, circular front-runners from all around the globe, joined the ceremony organised by Global Young Leaders and Accenture Strategy.
Read MoreOb 18:30 se s slavnostno otvoritvijo začenja vrh Svetovnega gospodarskega foruma (World Economic Forum) v švicarskem Davosu.
Read MoreEnvironmental topics will once again be in the spotlight, but this occasion will also be a celebration of our platform’s successes in the past year and of the progress, Slovenia has made towards becoming a circular economy lighthouse.
Read MoreCircular Change bo v sredo, 7.februarja ob 10. uri v Poligonu (Tobačna 5, Ljubljana) gostil Circular Economy Mapping Week. Dogodek, ki bo hkrati potekal v več kot 30 mestih po svetu.
Read MoreThe PlanetCare team has started to search for a solution to prevent (or minimize) the number of microplastics we release into rivers, lakes, and oceans through wastewaters when doing our laundry.
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Read MoreThis year’s WRF took place in Geneva on October 24-25h 2017, attracting 450 participants from 50 countries.
Read MoreAs part of the World Resources Forum 2017, held in Geneva on October 24-25, Ladeja Godina Košir moderated the workshop, titled Digital Sustainability: In need for a disruptive Research Agenda.
Read MoreDirektorica in pobudnica platforme za krožno gospodarstvo Circular Change, mag. Ladeja Godina Košir, je bila v močni globalni konkurenci izbrana kot ena izmed 6 finalistov za nagrado The Circulars 2018 v kategoriji »Circular Economy Leadership«, namenjeni izjemnim posameznikom.
Read MoreWe are happy and honoured to announce that Director and Founder of Circular Change, Ladeja Godina Košir, is one of the 6 Finalists in the Leadership category for the 2018 The Circulars Award, organized by the World Economic Forum, Forum of Young Global Leaders in collaboration with Accenture Strategy.
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