Presentata la seconda edizione della conferenza Circular Change in programma a Lubiana e Maribor a maggio.
Read MoreV nastajanju je osnutek Platforme E-simbioze, s pomočjo katere bi se lahko srečevali ponudniki, posredniki in povpraševalci po odpadnih virih in hitreje vzpostavljali medsebojna sodelovanja.
Read MoreTretjino pridelane hrane v razvitem svetu zavržemo. Kakovost hrane se zmanjšuje – danes je na primer v solati 63% manj vitamina B kot leta 1950.
Read MoreSaudi Smart Cities Conference 2017 is a platform, bringing together over 700+ participants from ministries and governmental bodies from across the Kingdom.
Read MoreSurprise, surprise: Germany is not that circular.
Read More”Živimo v svetu, v katerem je finančni kapital prevrednoten, delo podvrednoteno, naravni kapital pa večinoma nevrednoten. “Tako smo dobili svet, ki ni ne v socialnem, ne v ekonomskem, ne v okoljskem ravnovesju. Javni sektor mora pripomoči k temu, da se stvari premikajo v pravo smer.”
Read More”Financial capital is overvalued, labour is undervalued and natural capital is mostly given no value, which leads to a world that is out of social, economic and environmental balance.”
Read MoreDružba Tetra Pak je v soboto v Mercator centru Kranj Primskovo predstavila recikliranje embalaže Tetra Pak.
Read MoreV dnevni informativni oddaji Odmevi je Ladeja Godina Košir kot gostja voditeljice Tanje Gobec predstavila koncept krožnega gospodarstva v luči uporabe odpadkov kot surovin.
Read MoreLadeja Godina Košir, the leader of the Circular Change Platform, introduced the key messages and the speakers on programme of the 2nd Circular Change Conference, which will take place the 11th May at Ljubljana Castle and the 12th May 2017 at Hotel Habakuk, Maribor.
Read MoreThis was only one of the conveying messages shared by Janez Potočnik the former EC Commissioner for Environment in a vivid debate with the audience after his lecture in the EU House in Ljubljana.
Read MoreEnergetic, discrete, influential, outspoken, complex, Ellen MacArthur is the Dame of the circular economy.
Read MoreHere are the ingredients of the Zero Waste recipe: sharing and communicating good practices and achieved results to the community because examples are key.
Read MoreIntesa Sanpaolo, thanks to the activities of its Innovation Center, is ready to seize the challenges of the Circular Economy, exploring new business solutions in collaboration with its partners.
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