Advancing Just Transition in Zasavje: Third Module of the Circular Academy


The Zasavje Just Transition Center (RRA Zasavje), in collaboration with our Circular Change team, successfully conducted the third workshop of the Zasavje Circular Economy Academy. The event, titled “Focus on the EU Candidate” took place on June 20, 2024. in Zagorje ob Savi.

Harnessing System Change Tools

We began the third module of the academy with an introductory greeting from Mag. Godina Košir and the presentation of the System Change Compass tool, developed by the organizations Sistemiq and The Club of Rome. Using this tool, we defined the elements that represent the connective tissue for Zasavje in terms of positioning the region for a just and circular transition with a systemic approach. We also included the vision of Dewesoft's society with the City of Acrobats, which is an integral part of the region's development – we are connecting on a systemic level.

Collaborative Vision for Zasavje

This was followed by group work, where we built upon projects developed in previous workshops. The goal this time was to design and deliver a short presentation (pitch) of the project, which would serve as a foundation for presentations at the September conference and as a basis for acquiring supporting partners and financial resources.

At the end of the meeting, we conducted an internal vote with peanuts for the 'winning project as chosen by the group'.

The next Module of the Circular Academy will happen in September 2024.

Circular Change