Circular Week 2023: Advancing Circular Economy Principles


The successful culmination of the 6th edition of Circular Week, observed from October 23 to 29, 2023, stands as a noteworthy testament to the promotion of sustainable practices and the principles of a circular economy. Across Europe, participants engaged in a diverse array of events addressing crucial facets such as sustainable packaging, construction, food and bioeconomy, textile, circular design, and business models.

The focal point of the week, the International Mazovia Circular Congress, drew a diverse audience, including representatives from public administration, local municipalities, businesses, and international embassies, fostering meaningful connections and insights.

Participants included key entities such as the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform, Holland Circular Hotspot, Nordic Circular Hotspot, ICLEI, and the Polish Ministry of Economic Development and Ministry of Climate.

Moreover, the founder of Circular Change and co-chair of ECESP, Ladeja Godina Košir, actively contributed to the week's success, bringing her expertise and passion for circular transformation to the forefront.

As Circular Week concluded, its impact reverberated, solidifying a collective commitment to sustainable development and furthering the cause of circular practices on both national and international scales.

Dicover more about Circular Week.

Circular Change