Workshop: How can tourism in Ljubljana become more sustainable?


How can tourism become more sustainable?” is the core question that we are answering in the new document - the Roadmap for Smart and Sustainable Tourism in Ljubljana, which is being designed by the teams of Turizem Ljubljana and Circular Change.

To ensure that the ideas are relevant and feasible, we invited key stakeholders for the second workshop, happening on 21.09.2023 in the Modern Gallery in Ljubljana.

Some of the many key takeaways were:

  • collaboration and knowledge sharing between stakeholders are important for a successful green transition;

  • there are infrastructural challenges that we also need to consider (e.g. limited railway connections) and integrate tourism into the existing infrastructure, and

  • we need to closely collaborate with schools and make students interested in green tourism topics.

We enjoyed the discussion very much and loved the collaborative and creative energy. Those and many other great ideas are now considered in the preparation of the final document that will soon be ready for implementation.

Circular Change